Consistent Communication Leadership in a Consistently Changing World

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In society today, it is becoming more and more difficult to remain the same, or find people or things that remain unchanged. In the business world, it is imperative for organizations to stay informed and well versed on emerging media and other societal changes that could affect their business. An organization that refuses to adapt to new changes, technologies, and emerging communication and media outlets runs the risk of falling behind, losing relevance, and ultimately failing in the business sector.
When looking at the professional world of strategic communication, Strategic Communication Professionals are required to know and learn every communication and emerging media outlet available for an organization to monetize and/or use for audience relationships. A Strategic Communication professional should never become too comfortable and stagnant in one form of communication or one specific media outlet, as new outlets and communication channels are continuously emerging.
While nothing in the field of strategic communication is consistently stagnant, strategic communications professionals should always remain consistent in their core values. Regardless of the changes in communication, media, or other areas of strategic communication, the Public Relations Code of Ethics has kept the same basic core values: honesty, advocacy, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness.
Honesty involves being truthful and transparent to internal and external audiences.
Advocacy involves acting as a responsible advocate for the people that we represent.
Expertise denotes having the specialized knowledge and skill sets to effectively perform as a professional in this field while adding credibility to the profession.
Independence means providing objective counsel and communication to our internal and external audiences and taking accountability for our actions.
Loyalty encompasses being committed to those we represent while honoring our obligation to serve the public.
Fairness means being fair to internal and external audiences by respecting opinions and the right to free expression.
According to the Public Relations Society of America, the Public Relations Code of Ethics provides the foundation and sets the industry standard for the professional practice of public relations. These values are the fundamental beliefs that guide the behaviors and decision-making process for strategic communications professionals.
Although strategic communications professionals must adapt to the constant changes and evolutions that occur in the world of strategic communication, they should always adhere to the core values when performing as a strategic communications professional. While the nature, duties, and methods of the profession are constantly changing, a strategic communications professional should always remain consistent with honesty, advocacy, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness in every situation.


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