Reaching the Asset-Light Generation in the Age of Emerging Media

In today's ever-changing society with evolving technology and communication channels, it can be difficult to get an understanding of, and learn to apply, emerging media while simultaneously trying to capture and keep the attention of the upcoming generations.

To accomplish this goal, one must first start with an analysis of the upcoming generations and the emerging media that is growing up with the members of this generation. Let’s start with an analysis of the new “asset-light” generation.

One important question that should be examined before analyzing who is in the “asset-light generation” is: why is the upcoming generation so important to capture anyway? According to Pew Research Center (2018), the Millennial generation is the largest generation in the workforce. As of 2017, the Millennial and post-Millennial generations comprised 40% of the workforce in the United States, and that number is expected to continue to grow. This means that the younger generations have a massive influence on the economic market in the United States. Another Pew Research Center study revealed that Millennials are projected to surpass Baby Boomers as the largest of America’s generations. Ultimately, the younger generations have the population, economic influence, and spending power.

Now that the “why” has been examined, one should analyze who is in this “asset-light” generation. According a posting on Why Digital Natives don’t like newspapers (Reflections of a Newsosaur, 2013), the asset-light, also known as “Digital Natives” are the people who have grown up with access to today’s emerging media and technology for a large part, if not all, of their lives. This includes Millennials and post-Millennials, or people ages 37 and below. Being digital natives, people in these generations have never known a time without cellphones, game systems, instant internet access, etc.
Since the asset-light generation has always had technology, they are accustomed to instant and readily available access to information. They also live a minimalist lifestyle, traveling with very few tangible assets. Therefore, they prefer digital outlets over newspapers, printed books, and any other source of information that may take up tangible space.

With information readily available and instantly accessible, the asset-light generation now has a shorter attention span than past generations. They are accustomed to have any wanted information instantly after a quick search. This makes newspapers and other publications unattractive to them because they must read through information before getting to the essence of what they are actually looking for. The asset-light generation prefers information to be short and to the point.

Next, one should examine the new and emerging media that is developing along with this generation. Communication channels and methods are continuously changing with the innovation and evolution of technology. The biggest innovation that companies should focus on is the move to digital content and platforms. There are several different social media sites, apps, and online sites that the target generations go to for news. It is also worthy to note that the information on these outlets is written in a different format than standard written publications, such as newspapers. Content is typically much shorter and right to the point. Information is also typically written in simplest forms, in a way that gains the reader’s attention and is easy to follow. This generation prefers getting the most influential information in the least amount of time and wording as possible.

Reaching the asset-light generation will require companies to not only move to digital platforms, but to create content that is conducive to the digital atmosphere. Being present on social media, having downloadable apps, and having website content that is compatible with all technology devices is key when attempting to reach this generation. In addition, social proof is important to Millennials and post-Millennials. Taking the time to research and use the social influencers who are important to your target audience would be beneficial in helping you to reach and impact that audience.


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